Part of Reach - one church in many places

Resources for Growth

To help people find and grow in their faith, and to help our Missional Communities fulfil the vision “to invest in people to multiply Jesus-centred communities that transform our world”, we make use of resources that exist in the wider body of Christ and produce our own discipleship resources that can be easily used within our communities.

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The Grow App

Available as an Apple App, Android App or in a desktop version, this app is full of foundational studies that can be used as a small group resource or a structure for a Missional Community gathering.

If you’ve ever asked “How can I help people who’ve just come to Christ?” OR “How do I disciple those who want to grow in their faith?”, then this app is for you.

Westminster Theological College (WTC)

We have formed a partnership with WTC to provide high quality theological courses and resources for those who want to study the Bible in more depth.

WTC have a vision to partner with the church to equip and send the whole people of God; to transform people through life-giving theology in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit; and to re-imagine learning in community. Basically they are right in line with our values of Passionate Spirituality, Radical Community and Missional Movement.

Check out some of their free courses and resources or talk to your Reach Community Leaders about doing one of their face-to-face courses.

King’s School of Theology (KST)

We have a partnership with KST who offer flexible part-time courses in theology that equip people for all of life, church, work and ministry. They have nearly 40 years’ experience in serving the local church through providing high quality education.

Check out some of their courses and taster sessions or talk to your Reach Community Leaders about doing one of their courses.

The Alpha Course

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.