Part of Reach - one church in many places

Our Team

If you’re involved in Reach Nottingham, you’re on the team! We believe every person has a role to play in fulfilling the commission Jesus gave us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) and therefore a part to play in our vision “to invest in people to multiply Jesus-centred communities that transform our world”.

Below are a few team members who are carrying significant leadership responsibilities within Reach Nottingham that we think you could do with knowing about.

Core Leadership Team

Responsible for the care, oversight and development of Reach Nottingham.

Emmanuel Chiweshe

Charlotte Chiweshe

Anou Lyden

Hannah Spooner

Andrew Taplin

Joanne Taplin

Andrew Widdowson

Lynn Widdowson

Missional Community Leaders

Responsible for leading the various Missional Communities across Reach Nottingham

Paul and Jane Astle

Emmanuel and Charlotte Chiweshe

Richard Dawson

Michael and Anou Lyden

Andrew and Lynn Widdowson

Children’s Discipleship Team

Responsible for encouraging the discipleship of children across Reach Nottingham

Simon Johns

Michael Lyden

Gathered Team

Responsible for whole Reach Nottingham gatherings e.g. monthly Sundays, Encounter & Breakthough Nights, etc.

Emmanuel Chiweshe

Anou Lyden

Joanne Taplin

Andrew Widdowson

Hannah Spooner

Sian Johns

Missional Communities Team

Responsible for supporting and resourcing Missional Communities across Reach Nottingham

Hannah Spooner

Jake Spooner

Michael Lyden

Sian Johns